BIM Engineer

BIM Engineer

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: On request

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 2 Dec 2021

Total work experience:

Language skills: English, Hindi,

Personal summary

Worked as a construction professional from where I understood the gaps between IT and construction Industry. Following which I joined 3D modeling industry as BIM process manager to understand those gaps further. This led to a vision of creating something more than just 3D modelling in construction industry, something that integrates VR, AR, 3D modelling, construction management and cost control and management in a visual platform that is user friendly and can be used at sites worldwide. To achieve this vision I came together with professionals from Architectural and IT background and created VIRTURA, an organization which believes in IT and construction integration and have a mission to deliver the best possible visualization to construction industry. We work everyday to identify gaps and finding smart solutions to bridge these gaps between It and construction sector.

Language skills


Fluent knowledge


Native speaker