Data science

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization Data science and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

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We have found 43 freelancers for category Data science

Life Sciences & Health Care Informatics Specialist

As a computational biologist at Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and King's College London, I combine my data analytics skills and domain knowledge to find meaning out of bio-medical data and leverage them...

London, United Kingdom

Python 6 R (programming language) 6 Data science 6 Biology 10 Health care 10 Technical consulting 5

Data Scientist

With over eight years of experience in data management, analysis, and reporting, I am a seasoned data analyst with a master's degree in data science and analytics and a certification in SQL Server....

London, United Kingdom

Transact-SQL (T-SQL) 8 SQL 8 Java 2 Python 1 R (programming language) 1 ERP consulting 4 Data analysis 4 Data science 2 Microsoft Power BI 1 Business analyse 4

Senior Data Analyst

Data analytic and data science domain with 9+ years of technical expertise in all phases of development in Industrial sectors like e-commerce, media, finance etc, expert in Machine Learning, SQL ,...

London, United Kingdom

SQL*Plus 9 Microsoft Power BI 6 Python 6 Tableau 4 Data analysis 9 Analysis of supply chains 7 Customer analysis 9 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) 5 Data science 6 Machine learning 6

Computer science student

as a bachelor student of computer science, I possess a solid foundation in HTML, data science, logo design, typing, and QA testing. These skills equip me to handle various tasks and contribute...

London, United Kingdom

Data science 1 Logo design 3 Microsoft Office 365 5 Quality management / QS / QA (IT) 1 Testing (IT) 1

Analytics Specialist

Experienced leader and P&L owner with more than 8 years of experience in Data, Analytics and Business Development. Passionate about building high performing teams through open communication...

London, United Kingdom

SQL 9 Tableau 8 Microsoft Power BI 7 Python 6 Google Analytics 7 Web Scrapping 6 Data science 5 Salesforce 5 Microsoft Azure 5 Jira 3

D a t a S c i e n t i s t / E n g i n e e r / A n a l y s t

I am passionate about data and curious about how to use it in innovative ways to solve business and client problems, which drives me to seek out new opportunities to apply data science and machine...

Southampton, United Kingdom

Python 2 Data analysis 2 Data Mining 2 Data science 2 Machine learning 2 SQL 1 mySQL 1

Digital Transformation Consultant

My journey has been about harmoniously blending strategy with execution, vision with on-ground realities, and always ensuring that while the business moves forward, its people are moving forward with...

Poynton, United Kingdom

Transformation Management 15 Lean management 16 Process management 20 Natural Language Processing (NLP) 5 Business Process Reengineering (BPR) 15 Predictive analytics 10 Organisational development 20 Strategic corporate planning 15 Data science 5 Business Intelligence (BI) 20

Data Scientist and Analyst

Data Scientist skilled in Python, SQL, and data visualisation. Passionate about transforming data into actionable insights and driving impactful results. Ready to tackle new challenges and contribute...

London, United Kingdom

Data analysis 1 MATLAB / Simulink 1 Data science 1 Machine learning 1 Python 3

Research Scientist

Driven by a passion for unravelling the complexities of cancer biology, I have successfully managed my PhD project investigating altered lipid metabolism in breast cancer cells. This project...

London, United Kingdom

MS Office (user know-how) 10 Statistics 7 Medical Writing 7 Data science 10 Data base search - list of sources 10 Data analysis 10

web scrapping and lead generation specialist

Hi, I am a professional data scraping and lead generation specialist with 4 years of experience. As a dedicated freelancer, I've honed my skills in extracting valuable data and generating...

Burnham, United Kingdom

python programming 4 lead generation 4 data scraping 5 web scraping 4 Data science 4